What We Do
ICONS provides consulting and training to businesses, financial institutions, government, and civil society to ensure a world with resilient and enduring ecosystems. We work closely with clients to manage risks and bridge the gap between business and nature.
Our Purpose
ICONS assists clients in protecting the natural world and the essential services provided by healthy ecosystems with particular attention to advancing business and financial planning decisions that can restore and sustain nature.
Our Approach
We listen to your needs. Then we guide you in choosing effective ways to balance them with the needs of nature - both now and for the future.
Our Values
When you work with us you can expect clarity, honesty, integrity, and promptness. We are committed to your success and to ensuring resilient and enduring ecosystems wherever we work.
Who We Serve
+ Businesses
Businesses integrating biodiversity and ecosystem conservation into their business model either voluntarily or in response to regulators, lenders, and stakeholders in these industries: Oil and Gas – Mining – Forestry – Agribusiness – Fisheries – Tourism – Renewable Energy like hydropower, solar arrays, biomass generators, and wind farms – Infrastructure Development
+ International and Local Banks and Financial Insitutions
Institutions looking to develop and apply their own performance standards that reflect key characteristics of the Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards.
+ Indigenous and Native Governance and Associations
Institutions and groups working to restore native rights and apply native science to sustain long-standing relationships uniting culture and nature.
+ National and International Government Agencies
Government agencies that are creating or reviewing regulatory, management, and financial systems to sustain protected areas, conserve biodiversity, and adapt to our changing climate.
+ Bilateral and Multilateral Donors and Development Finance Institutions
Institutions that provide support for protected areas, biodiversity, and climate adaptation.
+ Investors and Merger and Acquisition Professionals
Professionals seeking biodiversity and ecosystem conservation information, history, and industry trends on companies for their due diligence on proposed transactions.